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The curtain rises on the highly anticipated Global Game Jam, a prestigious international gathering of video game creators, boasting a staggering 18,500 participants spread across 778 locations worldwide. As an esteemed collaborator, hyperPad stands at the forefront of this exhilarating event, offering a multifaceted experience that transcends geographical boundaries.

At the heart of this global spectacle, hyperPad orchestrates in-person workshops at esteemed institutions such as Western University and the University of Waterloo, providing participants with immersive hands-on guidance. Additionally, our virtual presence extends far and wide through meticulously crafted online tutorials, ensuring accessibility for enthusiasts from every corner of the globe.

Against the backdrop of boundless creativity, this year's theme, "ROOTS," serves as a fertile ground for innovation, challenging participants to delve deep into their imagination and breathe life into their interpretations. With encouragement echoing from every corner of the globe, creators are poised to unleash their ingenuity and redefine the boundaries of possibility.

As the world unites under the banner of the Global Game Jam, hyperPad proudly stands as a beacon of inspiration, fostering collaboration, and celebrating the limitless potential of human creativity. Join us as we embark on a journey where imagination knows no bounds and innovation flourishes in the fertile soil of collective endeavor.


Our in-person workshops at Western University and the University of Waterloo have already received positive reviews, with students amazed by the speed at which they learned to use hyperPad. We will continue to host more in-person and online tutorials throughout the week, offering support and guidance to participants as they create their games!

Students at the hyperPad workshop!

Participants are invited to use their creativity and imagination when interpreting the theme of the Game Jam, "ROOTS", which could mean anything from plant roots to relationships and personal experiences, to scientific concepts like evolution and plant science. The Global Game Jam is an opportunity for game developers to showcase their skills and bring their unique vision to life.

So get ready, game developers! The Global Game Jam is a chance to demonstrate your skills and bring your imaginative ideas to life. Don't miss this exciting opportunity! Participate now.

Registration links: 

Online workshops: https://forms.gle/ncTRp8yjASLtiPbi6

Western University workshop: https://forms.gle/mNFZXBU46fLFc7Ku7

University of Waterloo workshop: https://forms.gle/sXdUB6qxverEapx98 

Download hyperPad today and start creating.

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