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In today's tech-driven world, the ability to code has become an invaluable skill. Whether you're a tech enthusiast, a student, or just interested, learning how to code can open up a world of possibilities. But where do you begin, especially if you're a complete beginner? Don't worry; we've got you covered.

Together, we'll explore the exciting journey of learning how to code that is perfect for beginners of all ages. We've broken it down into simple and easy-to-understand steps. And if you want to go the extra step, you can then try practical exercises with hyperPad. It will make your coding adventure not only accessible but also fun and engaging!

So, why should you learn how to code? And why hyperPad can be your go-to tool!

Why Should You Learn How to Code?

Coding is a valuable skill. In today’s digital world, everything we do relates to code. Even this blog you’re reading took code to create! Here are some things you can do if you know code:

1. Expanding Career Opportunities: open doors to a wide range of career options. From software development to data analysis and web design, coding skills are in high demand in today's job market.

2. Problem-Solving & Creativity: Coding is all about solving problems, creatively. Training yourself to think logically and systematically through coding, you can enhance the way you interact with daily problems. It also allows you to bring your creative ideas to life. Build your own app, create a website, or a game - turn your imagination into reality. 

3. Future-Proofing & Empowerment: In a rapidly changing world, digital literacy is essential. Learning how to code prepares you for a future where technology plays an increasingly significant role in our daily lives, gives you the power to automate tasks, analyze data, and make informed decisions! It's a skill that empowers you to take control of your digital world.

How to Start Learning How to Code

Now that we've established the "why," let's explore the "how." Learning how to code as a beginner doesn't have to be intimidating. Here's a step-by-step guide to get you started:

1. Choose the Right Language

There are various programming languages to choose from, such as Python, JavaScript, and Ruby. For beginners, Python is often recommended due to its simplicity and versatility. But if you want to go back another step and STILL create an app - hyperPad is highly recommended. 

2. Explore Online Resources

The internet is a treasure trove of coding tutorials and courses. Websites like Codecademy, Coursera, and edX offer free and paid coding courses for beginners. But with hyperPad, we offer you an interactive learning experience where you can build your own apps (while learning) and interact with other users on a similar journey to you!

3. Practice, Practice, Practice

The key to mastering anything is practice. Start with simple projects and gradually work your way up to more complex challenges! Look at our hub to see what others are making and what challenges we have on-going. 

A message from our CEO: One thing hyperPad users often do is bite off more than they can chew. They get the app and try to make a huge project that rivals something they've played in the app store or consoles. Forgetting that oftentimes these games are made with larger teams and years of experience. It's always best to start small. Ideally take their favorite element of a game and recreate that part alone. Whether it's a gameplay mechanic, user interface element, some special effect. Whatever it is, just break it down into a smaller project.

We have been proven to be an amazing platform for beginners. Here's why we’re the perfect choice:

1. No Coding Required

With us, you can create apps and games without writing a single line of code. We use a visual coding interface, making it ideal for absolute beginners. While you're not writing traditional code, you're still learning all the coding fundamentals and the skills can translate to traditional programming languages. We're just taking the frustrations out of it.

2. User-Friendly Interface

Our user-friendly interface allows you to drag and drop elements, connecting them in a logical sequence to create your projects.

3. Interactive Learning

Learning to code with hyperPad is a hands-on experience. You'll see immediate results as you build and test your apps and games.

4. Perfect for All Ages

hyperPad is designed for learners of all ages. Whether you're a curious kid or an adult looking to acquire new skills, it's an engaging and accessible tool. 

A message from our CEO: hyperPad grows with the user. You can start small, but also go all the way to making full apps to sell in the app store!

5. Inspiring Creativity

hyperPad encourages creativity by providing the tools to bring your ideas to life. You can design games, interactive stories, and more, all while developing coding skills. 

Make use of hyperPad’s forum and hub! It’s great for community feedback as you can learn from the community, and it's great for just overall collaboration with other users around the world.

6. Real-World Applications

hyperPad's approach to learning how to coding is practical. You can create apps and best of all custom games that can be shared with friends and family or even published to the Apple App Store! Here are some examples of games made with hyperPad by Robinson who is a long time user when he was in his teen years and is currently our intern:

Pen Down by RXCodes (Robinson)

Pen Down [Multiplayer online] - “Each player will get to draw at least once, while other players should guess what is being drawn to earn points. Player with the most points wins!”

Bob's Speedy Adventure by RXCodes (Robinson)

Bob’s Speedy Adventure - “Engage in a speedrun competition with other hyperPad users! Rank at the top on the global leaderboard and receive prizes from the hyperPad discord!”

Hallowed by RXCodes (Robinson)

Hallowed - “Traps and obstacles were set to capture and trap.”

Movember's Journey by RXCodes (Robinson)

Movember’s Journey - “Tap and slide in rhythm to his favorite music! There's no messing up, but try your best.”

The Power of Music by RXCodes (Robinson)

The Power of Music - “Four and Two are trying to get contestants onto their side. Each host will show their strength through music. Who will win the battle?”

And here are some by Hakan, another long time hyperPad user who has published multiple games to the Apple App Store! Hakan started using hyperPad late into his adult years and does not come from a traditional coding background but has turned his interest into a great side hustle!

Cargo Rush by Hakan

Cargo Rush - “Tap to fly the cargo and don't let the box touch any wood or stone,fly until you reach the minecart and drop the box in it..hope you like it…”

Adventure Mine by Hakan

Adventure Mine - “Try to load the gold into the minecart and drive carefully!!”

Aspiring coders, whether young enthusiasts or seasoned adults seeking new skills, can embark on a fulfilling journey with us, a user-friendly and interactive tool that fosters creativity, practical learning, and real-world application. Through our intuitive interface, diverse community feedback, and inspiring success stories, learners of all ages can unleash their potential and turn their coding dreams into reality, one project at a time.

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