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Embarking on a journey into game development can be both exciting and challenging, especially if it is hard for you to focus. The process requires a lot of focus, creativity, and organization, which can sometimes be difficult to manage. Fortunately, with the right strategies and tools, you can still create amazing games. Here’s our beginner’s guide to get you started, featuring tips from the r/gamedev community and how we can help you digitalize your ideas.

Tips for Beginner Game Developers Who Can’t Focus 

1. Start Simple and Small

Begin with a simple game idea, like a basic platformer or puzzle game. Avoid complex projects like MMORPGs or large-scale RPGs at first. Simplifying your scope helps maintain focus and reduces the risk of feeling overwhelmed.

2. Use the Right Tools

Choosing the right game engine is crucial, especially for beginners. We offer a user-friendly interface and powerful features without requiring advanced coding skills.

3. Structure Your Work

Tools like Trello can help you organize tasks and keep track of your progress. Creating a visual workflow can be especially helpful for managing attention and staying on top of your development process.

4. Take Regular Breaks

Use timers to remind yourself to take breaks. Apps like Clockify can help you monitor your time and ensure you’re not burning out. Breaks are essential for maintaining focus and preventing fatigue.

5. Simulate Game Jams

Game jams are time-limited events where developers create a game based on specific themes or constraints. These are perfect for you as the time limit and structure provide a clear, short-term goal. Check out sites like Itch.io for upcoming game jams or set up your own live stream to complete tasks! Tag us, we’d be happy to participate. 

6. Balance Work and Life

Remember to balance game development with other aspects of your life. Include non-work tasks in your daily routine to ensure you’re taking care of your physical and mental health.

Real-Life Success Stories

Many game developers who have a hard time focusing have found success by leveraging their unique strengths. One Reddit user shared how participating in game jams reignited their passion for game development. The structured environment and clear goals helped them focus and produce quality work within a short time frame.

Another developer emphasized the importance of moving past tutorials and starting to build prototypes. By creating simple projects and iterating on them, they were able to learn through doing and gradually take on more complex challenges.

Game development can be a fulfilling endeavor, especially for those who struggle to focus as they always bring a unique perspective and creativity to projects. By starting simple, using the right tools, and maintaining a balanced approach, you can turn your ideas into reality. We offer a powerful platform to help you design, develop, and publish your game.

We hope this guide helps you on your game development journey. Join our community at hyperPad and start creating today!

hyperPad is your go-to partner for iOS game development on iPad. With a one-time payment, you get a lifetime of creating games and apps. Turn your Procreate or digital art into interactive comics, games, and more—then easily upload them to the Apple App Store from your iPad. Start your game dev journey with hyperPad today!

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