A game about cards.... and war. A fast paced game about destroying your enemy using playing cards. Let me know how the game is so far, but remember it's nowhere near completion.
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A game about cards.... and war. A fast paced game about destroying your enemy using playing cards. Let me know how the game is so far, but remember it's nowhere near completion.
Last Updated: September 21, 2022
Fully fixed the enemy A.I as well as your side. Try to beat the enemy. From here on out I'm all ears to suggestions and thoughts on this game.
December 23, 2015
When both players have a shield active the game can't go on since my bullets can't go through my shield and the A.I.'s bullets can't go through his shield, meaning that no shield can be destroyed. Adding and Ignore Bullet for each shield respectively could fix this though! ;)
December 24, 2015
Your bullets can destroy you're shield. The enemy AI's bullets cannot. For some reason, though, the Bulls don't always destroy the shield. :/
September 29, 2015
Great Game!
Sometimes, the shield will last a few bullets, though.
September 29, 2015
Thanks, and yes I know and I'm not sure why. Sometimes it's because shields are stacked, so it takes multiple bullets, but in other cases for some reason shields don't get destroyed right away.
September 29, 2015
Also, if that happens, the attack card will have a wierd animation...
It's dragged from the bottom instead of the side. Only happens when the shield glitches,too.
September 29, 2015
Could you change your icon for your next update? It's a little confusing with your other game. We're amending the hyperPad rules to make sure description, screenshots, and icons accurately represent the project.
September 29, 2015
Yes, sorry. I'm having trouble finding photos that fit the icon size requirement.