HyperTron LightCycles

user_avatar Made by: Aidan_Fire


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Hyper-Tron Light-Cycles is a hyperPad version of the motorcycle game in the movie Tron, similar to Armagetron but no 3D. This game tied first place in The100 challenge.

Control a player with left and right arrows to turn 90° left or right, you can also endlessly boost, giving you an advantage with speed but it's risky in tight areas.


Last Updated: September 21, 2022

Nothing new, found out the game stopped working after a hyperPad update, now it's working again.

HyperPad stopped detecting collisions between wall objects and other wall objects. So players stopped dying when they hit a trail, I changed the players to physics and now it works fine.



February 15, 2025



I know I’m a total rookie but how do you share your projects to the hub? I would appreciate an answer so much, thanks! :) Once you are happy with your project, press on the upload button, a cloud with an up arrow in it, and fill out all the stuff that comes up :) Thank you, I didn’t know where to ask

January 31, 2025


I know I’m a total rookie but how do you share your projects to the hub? I would appreciate an answer so much, thanks! :) Once you are happy with your project, press on the upload button, a cloud with an up arrow in it, and fill out all the stuff that comes up :)

January 29, 2025

I know I’m a total rookie but how do you share your projects to the hub? I would appreciate an answer so much, thanks! :)

January 28, 2025

This game is great, easy controls and I got the hang of it so well!

December 29, 2024

very good game I play it with my parents

May 02, 2019

Awesome game. Great graphics.

February 09, 2019

Controlls are nice but you could make some changes like winning a prize or something in the game

February 09, 2019

I haven't updated this game in years

September 07, 2018

I’m sorry I’ve never watched Tron could someone please tell me what the aim of the game is?

September 08, 2018

The aim is just to not run into a line (other player or your own), so you want to try wall them off. This game isn't single player because I haven't made a good AI to verse.

August 12, 2017

Nice easy to use controls. I can't figure out how you generate the light lines, nice effect. Looks like a vector line of some sort.

December 01, 2017

It was done by stretching a 9 slice object. Sorry for replying so late.

April 15, 2017

Cool game!

January 08, 2017

You can fix the typing glitch by using 'behavior bundle' behavior. It executes behaviors from left to right. The Input should go first (in this case, the Text Input behavior), then the If behavior (if Text Input equals to RESET -> Reset Scores). If you do these two behaviors at once, simple the input wouldn't execute. And if this doesn't work, I just put the input in a Value behavior and change the ifs to use the value behavior instead of the input behavior... Hope this helps... :3

August 20, 2016

Very cool

August 19, 2016

Extremely cool! I played a bit and one glitch I noticed was that the resetting scores option doesn't work, even when you type RESET. And, by the way I'M BACK!!!

August 19, 2016

Yeah just press the reset button a second time, you don't even have to spell it right the second time the glitch is that it reads what you tapped one tap previous.

August 19, 2016

Ok, sure!

August 31, 2016

It's called a bug not a glitch

August 31, 2016

? Bug and glitch mean the same thing, an error in the programming/behaviours.

August 18, 2016

How do you make your cover pictures so perfect. Just hoe do you get the letters to glow. 🤔🤔

August 18, 2016

I took a screenshot of this page with the default pic, then I cropped it and used Photoshop Touch (which no longer exists on the App Store) to put glows on stuff, if you somehow get the picture without the text you will still see the text because it's apart of the picture. I did this to my profile banner too but a bit more fancy.

August 17, 2016

The game is amazing!!!!!!!!

August 17, 2016

It's really fun when you have someone to play with, boring on your own because AI so dumb 😛

August 17, 2016

I just played by myself it is fun

August 17, 2016

Oh, it must just be me then caus I've played it a lot and got good at it, too good for AI

August 16, 2016

I really loved this but something you could try is making a single player mode for it

August 16, 2016

Sorry I didn't realize the AI at first

August 16, 2016

The AI is really dumb, that's why I didn't make an obvious Single Player mode or Multiplayer Mode.

August 15, 2016


August 11, 2016

Very nice game. Love the AI and controls. Updates have made this one of my personal favorite games. Keep up the good work.

August 11, 2016

Haha the AI is so stupid though, all it can do is attempt to trace the first line it touches and every now and then suicide for some unknown reason. It also is definitely not a chicken, play a game of chicken with it where you both travel directly towards each other and it will not turn unless you do 😛

August 11, 2016

Yeah, but despite that, it is still a great game, and one of the only that have an AI system. Just the effort to advance it HyperPad games was a big reason why this is one of my favorites. Without evolution, the Hub will stay a haven for simple, block games, which can be fun, having made one myself, but can't compete with a good plot or a new combination of code. You have taken a step closer to achieving artificial intelligence, and for that and more, I consider you one one the best game creators on HyperPad.

August 13, 2016

Maybe you could you try something similar to your winter pac-man game for the AI

August 13, 2016

That's completely different, there's a hidden block at every intersection, when the ghost touches it it looks in each direction to see if there's a wall there, then it just picks which path will bring it closer to the player (red ghost), the other ghosts are pretty much the same but slightly different personalities. You can google it, I made that game attempt to perfectly match the original AI.

August 10, 2016

Can you reset the save score data? I was playing with my friend but it still showed the score from earlier when I tried it out with your AI system. Other than that... Really cool game!

August 10, 2016

Oh yeah I forgot to add that. Next update there'll be a reset button. 😊

August 10, 2016

Ok thanks! Cant wait til then! Keep up the great work!

August 11, 2016

I added a reset scores button, when I tested it I thoug I mistyped it the first time, but I didn't, it's not working properly you have to do it twice.

August 13, 2016

Ah, yes. I am familiar with this glitch. It somehow carried over for Gamepress. I was testing passcodes for a certain game and came across this. Maybe to fix it just immediately active the behavior instead of requesting the user to enter, "RESET"

August 13, 2016

It's kind of my own glitch, I have a text input after touching object then next to the text input there's an if, the problem is the text input outputs a result after the if happens (minor hyperPad bug), so to make it work all I had to do was put the if underneath the text input so that it happens after.

August 14, 2016

Maybe add a wait behavior so that after 1 second (or so), the if behavior then commences. Would that work?

August 14, 2016

Yeah, but to make it happen more quickly I just connected it underneath the text input, so when the text input has finished it will then activate the behaviour.

August 10, 2016

Really cool update!!! I like the new graphics and the arrows turning is nice. And congrats on the tie!

August 08, 2016

If you're gonna dislike my game, can you tell me why? (Whoever disliked it)

August 09, 2016

Dislike is gone?

August 09, 2016

You scared him

August 09, 2016

Lol. Update with better graphics, dumb AI and a little more maybe coming out today, hopefully in the next half hour but if not in the next 8 hours or so.

August 10, 2016

I might have been someone who was in the contest and disliked to lower your score But the contest is over

August 10, 2016

Yeah if you look on the first hot page, there are a lot of projects with 20+ likes and 1 dislike.....it's like there's one looser on hyperpad that just dislikes projects that do better than his own or something😳

August 10, 2016

Personally I think hyperpad should require people to leave a comment when they dislike to inform the person why. Maybe that would help with people disliking for no reason.

August 07, 2016

Ooh we might get a tie, wonder how that will work, unless I just come second because I'm listed second on the The100 page.

August 08, 2016

Maybe they check the number of plays as well... Nice game though, the arrows were a bit confusing at first (I thought the speed button controlled the direction ) also I think you should move the buttons outside the playing area so as not to block the view.

August 08, 2016

Yeah it's a bit hard with an iPad screen, to do that would reduce the arena size 😕

August 13, 2016

Lol if I knew how to vote before hand you would have won first sorry 😜

August 13, 2016

I prefer it this way, I tied with the other game and we both got first prize I think 😀

July 22, 2016

Trying to make an AI for after the challenge ends. It's really hard lol.

July 13, 2016

Now I have some really cool graphics, I'll have to use them after the challenge ends though because using them so far increases amount of behaviours to 110. 😕

July 12, 2016

Yes! A Tron Game! I've been wondering when we'd see one of these in the hub 😃. Small bug, when I crash into my own line it says I win.

July 12, 2016

Are you sure that's what happened? The bug with winning is that if red dies, it will say blue wins, if blue dies after red died it will then change the label and say red wins. Trying to fix this but I only have 3 behaviours left 😛 (reduced by two since this update)

July 12, 2016

That could be what happened. I'll have to double check.

July 12, 2016

If I can find a way around the 9 slice graphic bug I'll add cooler looking trails and players.

July 10, 2016

How did you submit to the challenge? I put The100 in keywords but mine still dosent show up on the challenge page

July 10, 2016

Hmm, The100 with a capital? Not sure if you need capital, maybe your project is bugged.

July 10, 2016

Wow actually when I look in The100 page I only see mine and CodingPhoenix's game.

July 10, 2016

Your project is bugged then.

July 10, 2016

Well poop.

July 11, 2016

Should be working now

July 11, 2016

Yep I see a bunch of projects in challenge page now

July 10, 2016

Cool! Nice job!