Nyan cat run

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Nyan cat run is a game about trying to gat to the flagpole by jumping and avoiding evil cats. This game is very very very hard.
You will rage. Try and beat it once all levels without getting killed. Honnestly I can't even do it. If you do post it in the comments


Last Updated: September 21, 2022

. Added on to level 4
Level 5 will be coming soon. I promise. Also I have been working on. New game either I am going to make a school simulator where you play as a middle schooler.or a RPG.



January 29, 2025

I can’t play the game because the joystick doesn’t work :”) trying not to think about what I could be missing out on…

August 08, 2022


September 29, 2018

Meeee yaaaaw

October 01, 2015

First, I beat the game after only 14 deaths!

Second, isn't the Nyan Cat character itself copyrighted? I'm not an expert but you might want to look into that...

October 01, 2015

I really don't think so because a lot of people made fan games that are better than mine.

October 01, 2015

I don't think you should focus on adding more levels. You really need to fix the levels you already have. The problem with you game is it's just not fun. As a player of your game, It feels like a chore to play rather than something I enjoy.

Some fixes that may help:

  • Your background is just black. It makes it very hard to navigate. Especially when you jump too far or high, and there is nothing to help figure our where you are.

  • Your levels feel too empty. This causes the same problems as above, you just get lost and don't know if you're landing on the platforms or not. You can't even tell or guess where the platforms are.

  • The enemies are to big. Or at least the collision areas are. This makes it impossible, and frustrating.. But not in a fun way. Frustrating games can be fun, but not when you have no control over the situation. An example is "Tap Block".. That game is really frustrating, but based on the progression of the games puzzles I KNOW beating it is possible even if I die. In your game, I just die. I know it's because I'm crashing into the enemy, but I can't see any way to avoid it. This is partly because your enemies are just too big, and your level design doesn't "teach" me what to do.

  • The controls are not fun. Everything feels floaty and too fast. I have very little control over what's happening to my player. I would seriously spend some time on these controls. There needs to be more balance between speed, jump height, and overall feeling.

  • The levels are not interesting or challenging. I sort of touched on this earlier (levels being too empty). But you have very small levels, with the only challenge being the poor controls, and enemy. There are no puzzles to solve, no feeling of progression.

I suggest going on youtube, and find similar type of games and see what makes them fun. You really need to figure out game play, and proper game design. First focus on making the control feel good. Then focus on making a compelling level to really make those controls shine.

September 27, 2015

I feel it'll give the user a better sense of positioning if at least the enemies had some thing behind them, such as a wall. With them and the main character moving its a little hard to judge where and when to jump