Sanford Game Demo

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This is Demo version. This is only 1 level, player play as a unarmed guy named Sanford. This game renamed to Sanford Game Full Version when Full Version is working complete!


Last Updated: September 21, 2022



January 22, 2016

Madness360? You wins? How do I even begin to explain this mess? The background hurts my eyes, the words are hard to read and you do nothing but jump and walk. All you did was place a couple of platforms, made a player, made some hamburger end thing and called it a game.

January 22, 2016

Sorry, I'm not very impressed. This is an incomplete project, and I know it's the demo, but there's nothing special here, and it's one little level that you complete in 15 seconds. I don't know what you're thinking of adding but I do have a few ideas for you: -add food like broccoli and spinach, and if you crash into it you die. I personally love broccoli, but I think it would be a cool touch on a kid's game. -Add a food background, and make the character a person with a fork and a knife. -needs more graphics and visual appeal. I'm really pushing the food idea but it's only because of the hamburger idea. I mean, to try to make it make some sort of sense. And because I think it's a pretty cool theme. Food! -add a time limit and music and even coins like other yummy food along the way. Spice it up! -add moving platforms and maybe change the joystick control to make it something special. It's a start! Good luck!