Tap Block V2

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Tap Block is an easy to play platformer... just ignore all of the comments that say something stupid like "BEAT IT WIT 2000 DEATHS" because the game is so easy, just move and jump and j... Ok enough the game is very difficult enjoy if you like rage!


Last Updated: September 21, 2022

This update, there's not a lot, but some big stuff
-New bonus level (found in bonus levels
-Fast Mode (found in options) which makes the game go 2x faster, do #DoubleTap if you beat the game with that enabled in the comments!



January 02, 2025


August 01, 2016

Great game but there isn't a boundary so when I fall my death count goes up and I don't come back.Hard as nails, addictive and enjoyable.

July 25, 2016


April 22, 2016

Good game, just it's really annoying when you keep spawning over blocks. :/

April 22, 2016

True, but the spawn is in mid air, so if you move right as you spawn, you'll die most likely, just the the block or character fall and then play the level. It's hard because the anger and tension is building up and you just want to beat that level!!!

April 22, 2016

Ikr XD

March 15, 2016

What do you mand

March 16, 2016


February 07, 2016

Great game! It is simple yet fun and challenging. #Tap

February 07, 2016

Thanks! I would make a third but I don't want it to get to repetitive

January 24, 2016


January 23, 2016


December 31, 2015

#Tap :)

December 09, 2015

Amazing! Did you use Procreate to create the graphics?

December 09, 2015

Nope! I used PixelAirt, that's actually how it's spelled, it's basically a pixel maker thing but it's really cool and useful.

December 08, 2015

Can I branch this and add more levels

I'll name it tap black v2 level pack

December 08, 2015

I would LOVE that and if anyone says you copied me, I will tell them I let you, please do that though!

December 01, 2015

I won This is the best game on here :)

December 01, 2015

Thanks, I really do try my best, I'm almost done with the other bonus levels too!

December 01, 2015

Yeah this is my first day on hyper pad it's the best 5 bucks I've ever paid

December 01, 2015

I agree! I just feel bad for people that didn't play tap block 1, it was the same, just different levels, but it had the begging of the story and people can't play it because I didn't duplicate the game, instead, I added onto the old one... Glad you enjoy it though!

December 01, 2015

Tap, anyway I don't know if people are playing this game so I'm trying to get people to play it, otherwise I made the update for nothing, and I just like to see people enjoying the game, but like I said, I'm not sure if people are playing Tap Block V2.

November 12, 2015

I'm too good

November 12, 2015

No I'm not kidden I got 3

November 12, 2015

Make it harder👍

November 12, 2015

3 death lol noob

November 12, 2015

I find that hard to believe! 🤔

November 10, 2015

58 total death when I reached the end

October 20, 2015

108 deaths but I got to ha what now

October 15, 2015

63 deaths on my first try... Maybe add some kind of progress bar for each world, and extend the green world a bit, the ending felt very sudden and unexpected.

October 13, 2015

New high score! 55 deaths

October 13, 2015

This game has so much potential. It just lacks a few things; Firstly, there's no music or sound. Secondly, I felt as if the ground was a bit high on the screen. Thirdly, the main menu felt stale and had no character, also, you should 'hide' the buttons while on the main menu, then 'show' them once you press play. Fourthly, I don't think showing YOUR score at the end of each level is a good idea. Removing it would be best.

There's so much good stuff though! The text at the top of each stage of each level gave the game so much character, I felt as if there was an actual invisible person there, taunting me as I raged. I loved the death count as well, great addition, and I like how you gave the player the option to turn it on/off. And talk about the level design! Superb! So many rages, but good rages, like Flappy Bird. Lastly, I loved the simple graphics and the characters rotation, gives the game a lot of character.

Really good job! Good luck!

October 13, 2015

Thank you for the feedback, but it may not be changed yet, I'm working on a 3d build a zoo/aquarium, it's a big project and I just finished making the tutorial, but I will change those things in my spare time or whenever.

October 13, 2015

Cool, good luck with it.

October 12, 2015

also, could you possibly change the colors of the bottom and the blocks, just for some contrast

October 12, 2015

also, could you possibly change the colors of the bottom and the blocks, just for some contrast

October 12, 2015

haha so fun beat it with 100 deaths on the spot great game to play for 5 minutes caution: may induce mild rage

October 05, 2015

Really good game, I stopped at about 50 deaths and still couldn't complete the first level lol Will probably play it again later :)

I thought of two possible changes if they interest you? 1: lower the whole world it looks abit high on screen. It's easy done with the loop select, then move select. 2: Add in another colour block to act as a platform (Idk if this has already been said, there's a lot of comments)

October 05, 2015

Thank you for the suggestions! I can easily lower the game, but what platform do you mean?

October 05, 2015

Lol I love the text, makes the game a tonne better 😝

October 01, 2015

Only 32 deaths this time! I WILL BEAT YOUR HIGHSCORE SOMEDAY!!!

October 02, 2015

NOOO! Anyway about the auto rotater, how and why would that fit in? It is a good idea!

October 02, 2015

Hahahahaha! 13 deaths! (Both worlds) i'm getting close...

About the rotator idea, Now, the cube will rotate when you are jumping. I'm thinking maybe you could add a button to rotate it, so it would be harder to get through a narrow space.

October 03, 2015

It would be a great idea, but it would be hard to play three buttons :(

October 01, 2015


Make a "rotate" button that slowly rotates your square, and take out the auto-rotate; it would make the game much harder!

October 01, 2015

I'm glad everyone is enjoying the game, but if you play it a couple times, even maybe just three times. Believe me your death count will lower, that's why mine was so low, because I tested it every time I added a level, and I got really good at it.

September 30, 2015

149 deaths, this game is pretty addicting 👍

September 30, 2015

Loved it my deaths was 170 lol

September 30, 2015

Loved it my deaths was 170 lol

September 30, 2015

Nice work! Reminds me of Flappy Bird. I made it with 49 deaths.

September 30, 2015

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it!

September 30, 2015

This game causes so much rage! But I like it :).

One suggestion I have is remove the text in the bottom half. The "Comment" and "It's Possible" texts. It really ruins the style of the game in my option. If you're really adamant on having them, maybe create a start menu/screen and put them there.

September 30, 2015

Ok, thank you, I'll remove them, in the next update. I just thought the bottom of the screen looked empty.

September 29, 2015

I made it through both worlds with only 112 deaths!

September 29, 2015

Awesome! My brother played it also, and raged so badly he gave up!

September 29, 2015

You might want to colour code what is Safe and Not Safe to land on...

September 29, 2015

Well.... That's the trick of making people confused!

September 29, 2015

Yeah, it probably accounts for a good 30 or so of my deaths!

September 29, 2015

Alright, maybe. Think there were only 3. One may or may not been..invisible.... Besides what color should I make them?

September 29, 2015

Maybe a tinge darker.

Although maybe you should keep them, they certainly increase the rage! :)

September 29, 2015

how about if I darken them so much that you can barely see them, also I gotta go in a few minutes :(

September 29, 2015

The picture and title are supposed to be like that. You know like, "Tap Jump, Tap Block"