From the creators of bit clicker comes...
Demons come from the narwald planet and cause havok all around and the ugly reds have returned so Donald trump the 3rd wants to rebuild the wall but realized the demons would destroy it so Donald trump the 3rd sends out Chins relative Chong out to kill the ugly reds and kill the demons with nukes,
However the demons plan to resurrect the dead Hillary Clinton into a ultimate doomsday device.
Based off of Hong Kong 97 and the AVGN
January 15, 2025
To much swear words bubblegum boy
June 01, 2017
A true AVGN fan
May 31, 2017
If the swear words need to be removed I can do that
May 30, 2017
As soon as I saw Jackie chan on the icon I knew this would be a "better" version of Hong Kong 97
May 31, 2017
This is the sequel to the original inspired by AVGN
May 27, 2017
I don't think hyperPad is the best place for politics... Also, I think it breaks the rules but not entirely sure. Other than that the gameplay isn't too bad, but maybe add a score system and make the enemies spawn more the longer you survive.
May 27, 2017
As long as it's not expressing hate towards a person or group it's fine. So that means no racism, bullying etc. But a generic game about government officials (as long as it's innocent fun and not something weird...) it's fine. It's kind of a weird place to be, but think of it like comedians and satire... There is a line you just don't cross. Not sure if this makes sense, it's kind of a grey area.
May 27, 2017
Yeah, I thought that might be the case. I was also more thinking about the PG13 rule, since it contains swear words, but idk how the ratio system works. Still, judging from dislikes I don't think hyperPad is a good place for politics.
May 27, 2017
Rating system, not ratio system
May 27, 2017
I think using politics in a comedic way is a good idea, (I found the Hillary deleting emails game funny and entertaining.) I would assume the dislikes are more because the game is poorly made or due to the obsessive use of swear words. But my view on swear words is that they're fine to use occasionally as long as they're not intended to be mean or hateful.
May 27, 2017
I agree. While swear words can fit in some situations. In this game they don't really need to be there. I feel the language is just there to be "edgy" and doesn't really add to the humour or content. But that's just my opinion.