Winner of hyperPad’s first ever game jam, the OneButton challenge, Neon Curveball (formerly known as Meteor) is an endless chaotic bullet hell game with unusual controls.
The Curveball is always moving ahead, you only have one button, yet you must steer in two directions in order to dodge an endless barrage of colourful bullets. Yes, you are going to die. A lot.
Music from website:
January 31, 2025
January 28, 2025
This game is great! The controls are kind of hard for me to get used to but I still managed to fumble my way around :P I thought it was funny when I said “this game is easy” and then two seconds later I died lol
October 25, 2021
How do you make games hyperpad crashes so much
October 27, 2020
This is super cool, love the music and visuals, great job keep it up!
April 04, 2019
It’s such a great game ! I’ve just spend few minutes playing it, it’s so funny because I literally didn’t know where I was going x,D ( I’ve stressed out ^^’’ ), but it was challenging for me ! Thank you for this game !
April 04, 2019
Thanks for trying it :) so with tutorial's help did you end up figuring out the controls?
April 05, 2019
Yes, it’s much easier with the tutorial ;) Everything is fine, I’m gonna play again soon !! x3
July 03, 2018
Great work on the update. It's very smooth now! I also like the new invincible mode, and the gauge showing it. I feel the black aground is a tad boring, maybe look into a subtle texture? Something to give it some depth.
July 02, 2018
So what is going to happen with multiplayer?
July 02, 2018
I'll add single screen multiplayer back for 2 players, if I can figure out how to work a server and even get a server I'll try to do online multiplayer as well. Also I want to think of some sort of extra competition between players, because before you were just in the same arena but didn't really do much to each other other than try outlast them.
May 14, 2018
Woah it's been ages since I updated this, 1 month off being a year. But it won't quite make it to a year.
July 11, 2017
The game is so well off... You should just publish it to the App Store about right now! However, I'm a little confused which colored one is which. Mayeb just include a little chart at the end of the tutorial?
June 14, 2017
I'm starting to get really lost in my behaviours for this project, I feel like the way I made this years ago was inefficient and maybe I could do it better, I think I will remake Meteor (same project, just remake it from scratch on a blank scene), hopefully it'll make it lots less laggy.
January 27, 2017
The gameplay of Meteor is pretty impressive to me. Challenging, but it puts your skills to the test and seems rewarding once you get the hang of it! Me being a fan of bullet-hell games in general, this definitely seems like a game I could play with friends. (However, I only have but an iPad Mini 2, so the game tends to crash if a 4-player game stretches for a long period of time. Plus lag after a while of playing, regardless of mode.) I would like to suggest, however, more gamemodes for Meteor. (A multiplayer gamemode where you can use a shield to destroy other players? Perhaps one where you race to be the first to reach a checkpoint?) Also, why not think of an idea for a new powerup? (For example, a powerup that could clear the screen of enemies. Maybe a temporary shield powerup that lasts a shorter amount of time than the shield you get when respawning?) Other than that, Meteor is quite fun and challenging!
January 27, 2017
I have the same problem, maybe I'll add a graphics setting to greatly reduce particles or something. I also plan on more game modes, and I'm open to suggestions 🙂 (in fact I probably want suggestions lol) and I was thinking of some sort of checkpoint game mode, that places rings like the ones in tutorial mode. Thanks for the feedback, I haven't worked on this game in a while but I want to, planning on adding skins and achievements and a currency system.
January 27, 2017
A graphics setting? Great idea! Although you may want to do something to help distinguish between the life powerup and red enemy, as well as the multiplier and green enemy so players won't accidentally touch a red or green enemy without knowing if it's a powerup of not. Unfortunately, I usually do that on accident while I play.
January 28, 2017
There is a way to distinguish, the red enemy has a different trail, it is intentional that it is slightly difficult to disinguish.
January 28, 2017
That makes sense. If you ever add a setting for graphics, though, how will we be able to distinguish red and green enemies from their respective powerups with less particle trails? Maybe the powerups would have a few noticeable particles?
January 28, 2017
The enemies will always have a sort of chaotic bubbly trail, power ups and anything else that it good to collect will have a trail more like the player, but slightly bumpy.
February 08, 2017
I just got another idea for a possible game mode, or rather a new feature. Online multiplayer! Playing on the same screen using four fingers can sometimes be boring, but I can imagine an online multiplayer feature being a thing. It might be hard to adjust, but go for it if you can!
February 08, 2017
Yeah I want to do this, but I don't have a developer account to use the online behaviours yet, I'll also have to figure out how they work and how to get a server.
March 28, 2017
Pardon me for bothering you with questions, but, I'm thinking of using some music from the website you mentioned. How'd you get the music to work within HyperPad? Are there any circumstances or important notes I should take note of?
March 28, 2017
All I did was download the music file from the website, then "open in hyperPad".
March 29, 2017
Okay, thanks! I was also going to ask if I needed to use a computer or just an app on iPad to download music files. Thanks in advance.
November 18, 2016
Dude, make them actually shoot bullets
November 18, 2016
They ARE the bullets lol, how long have you played? It's not easy to survive for very long until you have played it quite a lot and have gotten good at it.
November 18, 2016
☹️ My game won't show up in new section when I update it.
November 18, 2016
Should be fixed now. If your project doesn't show up in new, send us a support email so we can figure out why. Thanks!
October 18, 2016
Publish this to the App Store! This'll be a hit!
October 19, 2016
If i am to do it sometime soon I'd have to get it uploaded under hyperPad's account (untitledD) cause i don't have a mac or developers license
October 17, 2016
Hardcore mode added (1 life) any other mode ideas?
August 24, 2016
I'm loving the new polished version! Honestly, it's STILL not done?
August 24, 2016
I'll keep coming up with new ideas for a while. Different game modes, e.g hardcore mode no lives or multipliers spawn, so it's just survive as long as possible, multiplayer would be all about last player standing.
August 24, 2016
I still have to fix up the tutorial a bit, it's too easy to skip text and not know what to do.
August 10, 2016
Post your high scores! Can you beat a score of 100 000 in single player?
August 07, 2016
Hey could you guys please test my tutorial mode and tell me if its good, if not what should be changed?
August 07, 2016
Cool update!
August 07, 2016
Yay, new version 😄. Bug reports or suggestions welcomed 😊.
February 13, 2016
Hi it's me Eamonn your friend from school
December 12, 2015
Looks great! Only bug I found is that even though music is by default on, it does not play until you toggle it off and then back on
December 12, 2015
Oh yea I've figured out that bug, it's because I have the play music being triggered by loading a save value, but for the first time playing there is nothing to load so the behaviour beneath it don't activate so the music doesn't play. I've already fixed this on my iPad simply by putting them in a line with load value rather than triggered by it, for now just turn it off then back on.
December 20, 2015
Or you could just update it 🔜🙄😓
December 20, 2015
Lol 😆😝😛😜
December 20, 2015
Especially because version changes says fixed music but but it isn't fixed...
December 21, 2015
Well next version is definitely fixed. And then I update it and people keep complaining that the music doesn't work...
December 30, 2015
@Aidan-Oxley you can just do this:
Find if opened for first time (I can help with this) If yes then [Save Value: (SaveValue1) = 1]
That should be enough
December 05, 2015
I'm attempting to add multiplayer into this, it will be for now last player standing wins, so far all I have in a single player multiplayer menu but it's getting there... Holidays make me work a bit slower 😝
December 11, 2015
I won't be updating it for a while because I've decided to participate in the WinterRemix challenge.
November 24, 2015
I redownloaded from the hub, had the music bug again.
November 24, 2015
How?? I tested it on another iPad and it worked even when nothing had saved yet.
November 24, 2015
I don't know, turning music off and on fixed it. I tried redownloading and it worked to fine, maybe a hyperpad glitch?
November 24, 2015
Okay, I checked the behaviours and I can't see anything wrong, so it's either a hyperpad bug or the behaviours aren't being activated under the load value because nothing is loaded. (maybe it only activates on a successful load, and somehow loads a corrupt value from a different game?) Maybe try disconnecting the behaviours under the load value and moving them next to it instead. It might have worked afterwards on yours because it might have already saved something. Maybe reinstall hyperpad on Dylan's iPad and try then.
November 19, 2015
After the OneButton challenge ends I'll add multiplayer mode for up to 4 players where you each have a quarter of the screen to control your player and the last player standing wins, or something like that. Also, my high score is 158180, what's yours?
November 21, 2015
55635 :(
How do you get those large highscores? I've played it loads and only got past 50000 once (on my iPad)
November 17, 2015
A lot less laggy, much more playable!
November 16, 2015
@Murtaza am I allowed to update my project later to fix the music bug and if I can the lag spikes for iPads older than iPad Air?
November 16, 2015
You can. I believe it should still show up.
November 16, 2015
Ok, I thought I couldn't because the OneButton rules says you can't submit after around 5 hours ago.
November 16, 2015
Yeah, submitting a new game won't show up. Updates are fine. However, there are limits. You drastically changing your game isn't going to fly. But fixing some bug, adding a few things here and there is ok.. The base game must be the same.
We're also going to give until Friday for everyone to play the games, then feature the 3 by midnight Friday.
November 15, 2015
That's strange... I tested it on my iPad forcing it to save nothing, not even a space bar and it switched to on and played the music and that's how I wanted it, but it seems that if a load value behaviour loads a save value that has never saved before, the result isn't nothing? I can still submit updates until some time tomorrow, and I'm pretty sure I've fixed the music bug on my iPad.
November 15, 2015
Ok I just tested it on an iPad 2 and branched it to turn off the particles, the particles aren't the cause of the lag, it's just the enemies spawning and all the stuff they do as soon as they spawn (probably not good when 4 spawn every second or so). It is pretty much fine though on iPad Air though. I'll try to see if I can reduce the lag.
November 15, 2015
Yeah, load value is a bit buggy. I am using iPad 4. It is definitely NOT fine! It ended up freezing for about half a second every time when I got past about 26000 (my Highscore is 27582 now). It is at least partly the particles. I lowered the amount of particles, and it was a bit better. I'm going to email a version to you which I've modified that lags a lot less, maybe that'll be useful (although it's based partly on an increasing time scale for difficulty rather than more enemies).
November 15, 2015
The lag spikes O.o
Maybe add an option to turn off the particles and instead use graphics for the enemies (if you can turn the empty object into a normal object).
Also, the music option starts off as on but doesn't play, I have to turn it off and back on. Can you still submit updates?
Highscore of 23709!
November 12, 2015
Somewhere in the next 24 hours I will release a big update. Right now I have working multipliers, extra lives and a second enemy type, and much better graphics. I still need to make a custom game over screen and a better, simple explanation on how to play the game, I'm thinking of a mini tutorial that plays every time you start, but you can turn it off in some sort of settings.
November 12, 2015
For your mini tutorial, what you can do is have it play every time until your reach a certain point, or score. Then use a Save behaviour, to save some text for example "DONE". Then when ever your game starts, do a LOAD, and IF loaded value = DONE, then run the mini tutorial. Otherwise, don't show it.
This way, as soon as the player gets the hang of it, they don't need to see the tutorial again. What you can also do is make a button that shows the tutorial again (incase they forget), and just save a random text, this will make the tutorial show up again until they reach the specified point again.
November 12, 2015
That's what I did in TAPMOV, the tutorial would save that it's done and won't play again unless the player selects tutorial. Because it is going to have lives when I release the update, the tutorial will just have infinite lives.
November 14, 2015
Ok not in the next 24 hours... But that just means the update will be bigger and better 😊
November 11, 2015
Just got a new Highscore (714)! The only problem I have is that I sometimes get boxed in. Maybe make the player move faster as the game progresses so that it becomes less impossible while still becoming harder.
November 13, 2015
832! Waiting for the update...
November 11, 2015
Nice! My only suggestions are
-a custom start screen -changing the text color
November 11, 2015
Working on it now. On my iPad, everything is a whole lot more fancy. I will also rename it to something better, maybe a name to do with fire or something, because the player looks hot or maybe even like a fireball.
November 10, 2015
Played your new update. Some nice changes. A few more suggestions:
Your start screen is not that nice. The default green text doesn't really fit. Take a look at Abels Orb Smash game. He has a really polished menu, but still really simple and manageable. He also has his entire games control mechanics explained in a single image before the game starts. This really goes a long way to make the player feel excited, and not overwhelmed.
There should be something to speed it up a bit as I progress. Make the balls move faster as time goes on. It just doesn't feel that rewarding for stay alive very long. Make me feel awesome.
No clear theme. You have this awesome player, and cool particles but the green dots you're avoiding are so bland and don't really fit the rest of the style.
Overall, it's getting there! I can see this being one of those addictive games in the App Store :).
November 11, 2015
Yea none of my stuff, even TAPMOV, are very polished yet, will get there though. They also have boring names that I want to change soon.
November 10, 2015
Really cool. Liked the music, addicting gameplay and simple, yet effective graphics. I would just suggest you add a game over scene instead of the game over behaviour. Otherwise, keep up the good work!
November 10, 2015
Yea I don't want the normal game over screen, I just made it easy and simple before I uploaded to see how much people like it.
November 10, 2015
Oh I also removed the wall of text as suggested by Murtaza. Also, why are we allowed to Like our own projects, wouldn't we be a bit bias? 😝 I mean who would ever dislike their own project and upload it? My high score at the moment is 986, in case anyone wanted to know 😊.
November 08, 2015
Had a chance to play it, pretty cool! One suggestion I would have: Get rid of that wall of text explaining the game play. Instead, incorporate the instructions right in the game. teach the user by making them play. Some well timed "Tap" instructions could do the trick, or something more unique if you can come up with it :).
November 07, 2015
I've never had music in any of my games, not sure where to find it. Gotta add sounds too 🙂
November 07, 2015
Search google for Royalty Free music. There is a guy named Kevin McLeod, who makes A LOT of free music to use for any thing. He just asks that you credit him.
November 07, 2015
Nice game.
November 07, 2015
November 07, 2015
Awesome! I like your game style. These particles are awesome! For now, i vote for Turn Circle.
November 07, 2015
I like particles :)
November 07, 2015
Going to add lives, power ups, more enemy types etc.