These days I am concentrating on adwords and I am not able to complete the game yet so I decided to upload may be you give me some advice as it seems to me there are some problems about gameplay like some levels may not be clear enough to complete or sometimes gameplay seemed a little boring to me,good or bad pls comment about points that take your attention..thanks..
January 29, 2025
I love the little character (firefly?) and the style of the game! :D
May 17, 2017
Great game.
May 12, 2017
If any of you reach level "confused" I need some feedback about it,as I am not sure it might cause many players leave the it very hard to discover or is it fine?
May 12, 2017
It took me some time to do confused, but I figured it out eventually. Not too hard but maybe change that laser shooter so it doesn't shoot so it's clearer that it is there to be helpful?
May 14, 2017
Ok Jack thanks a lot.
May 11, 2017
I got stuck in the ground on the resizer level. I dropped into the resizer from small to big, and when I grew, about a quarter of me was in the ground and I couldn't fly.
May 12, 2017
This happens if you collide the ground while resizing,I fixed it for the next update thanks..
May 10, 2017
Haven't played it yet, but the name and player already remind me of Bandlands from the App Store.
May 11, 2017
I found these assets on the web and I think they were drawn as a copy of badland,all assets fit to the game except I didnt want to use the main character but I wasnt able to find another good one,at least the gameplay isnt the same with badland.
May 10, 2017
Haven't played it yet, but the name and player already remind me of Bandlands from the App Store.
May 10, 2017
Looked at "Hero in the ocean", yours is very close to it ... add a bit of speed and animation and you're done!
May 11, 2017
I will speed up slightly
May 10, 2017
Bravo! I love how this game feels. I think the egg-things should be animated a bit. Perhaps even a patrol behavior would do? Graphics are nice and level design is to. This came could come to life with animation. Great job. Like the sounds too!
May 10, 2017
This time I wanted to make a copy game which isnt available on appstore,if you want to check the original search the web " hero in the ocean" the game seemed so good to me but I am far away from the original quality..
May 09, 2017
How do I get through level here?
May 09, 2017
Sorry it didn't post so I tapped again and now there are two😬
May 09, 2017
Sorry it didn't post so I tapped again and now there are two😬
May 10, 2017
Find and reach the green egg style object in each level..
May 10, 2017
On the lasers level I can't find how to get past the object that is in the way though
May 10, 2017
On the lasers level I can't find how to get past the object that is in the way though
May 10, 2017
You should push the black wall that is on the left of the laser at the bottom,I had suspects that it would be hard to discover I will make it more clear,also if you reach level confused I also doubt whether it is so hard to discover what to do.if you reach there let me know..
May 10, 2017
May 09, 2017
How do I get through level here?
May 09, 2017
Is there supposed to be gravity? It feels weird to only be able too fly up and down and have to use the walls and the ceiling to reach places... It feels really slow when I have to bounce off the ceiling and wait to slowly float down...
May 10, 2017
I kept the gravity low in order to make it easier to play,speeding up the character might be a good idea so that player can reach places faster,I will think about it and I think I have to work a lot more to make this game enjoyable.
May 10, 2017
I don't know what happened but something glitched, when I first played it there was absolutely 0 gravity. Now I've loaded it again and suddenly there is actual gravity. I'm guessing it's a hyperPad bug and not a bug with your project. It's so much better with gravity 😂
May 11, 2017
Good to hear that
May 09, 2017
Hakan nice! I played quick the first 3 levels ... love the bug. The background colour pallets does not fit the theme, I would change it. Too slow and you should show a timer or something so the action ramps up.
May 09, 2017
These days I m thinking about changing the main character to a submarine if I can find a nice(even animated) sea background..I will also speed up the main character.
May 09, 2017
Maybe you can make parallax background for the submarine game theme with various fishes passing by on the background, only an idea. In GamePRESS times there was a guy who posted an example with a bird flying in front of a city landscape... Jack idea regarding gravity is a good one too.
May 10, 2017
This gravity setting fits underwater theme great,I will check about fishes I think I have a couple free fish animations..