
user_avatar Made by: RobinsonX


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Build Your Own Structures In A Cubic Pixelated World!

-Some Blocks Have Gravity!
-Some Blocks Can Shine!
-Some Blocks Emits Cool Particle Effects!

And Many More!

The Game Is In Beta Stage! There Are Above 20 Blocks Available Right Now!

Follow Me On Instagram To See The Newest Features, Tweaks, And Updates In My Games!

Username: Rx_Gaming
Account: rx_hyperpad


Last Updated: September 21, 2022

More Potions!
+More Potions!
+You Can Now Drink Potions!
+BIG Improvements!
+Potion Effects!
+Added More Tiny Tweaks!

Bug Fixes:
-TNT Just Randomly Explodes.
-Potions Wouldn't Start A Particle Effect.
-Most Sounds Is Muted Or Disabled.



February 11, 2025

I mostly make simulator games or pet games

February 11, 2025


I mean, That would take alot of time... Great idea, But Is it weird that I'm only making blocky games? Nah, loads of coders make games in one theme so it’s fine

September 04, 2016

You should make an awesome sandbox space exploration game! Where you can explore planets and communicate with life forms. Mabye even add a storyline. Idea or what?

September 04, 2016

I mean, That would take alot of time... Great idea, But Is it weird that I'm only making blocky games?

September 04, 2016

Not necessarily. Well the longer it takes, the better it will be. Mabye make a beta

August 21, 2016

And can I just ask, how on earth do you make the block placements work?

August 27, 2016

You just use math functions to make it a grid, then add values to snap it in place. If you need help, There are behaviors in the global.

August 27, 2016


August 21, 2016

I dont understand, why make a new project when you can update one of your other sandbox games?

August 21, 2016

Yeah that's what I'm thinking, Robinson you keep making the same Minecraft based 2D games but they're all pretty much the same, why not just make 1 and make it really good? Have survival mode, mobs with AI?

August 21, 2016

It's all Becuase of one reason, HyperPad itself. HyperPad can only run a certain number of behaviours. If he makes one big project with survival mode and all, the game will lag, take up a lot of space and no one will want to play it. It's unfortunate, but it's just how it works.

August 21, 2016

This isn't totally true. The number of behaviours should not have any effect on the performance of your game. How the behaviours are uses and connected will impact your performance. For example spawn an object that spawns it's self. That's only 1 behaviour that will lag very quickly and crash.

August 21, 2016

I'm renewing the game... Well, I could delete the old ones. This is going to be MUCH better, because I will be working on this for probably 2 or more months, And if you like, I have an instragram account (Rx_Games) where you can view the newest updates to this game before it releases.

August 21, 2016

It is not impossible to make one big game, lag comes from having too many objects out at once all doing things, or some bug where certain behaviours continue to take up memory. But even if you couldn't make one big world generator game, why upload lots of the same thing?

August 21, 2016

Definitely True! When I added the rain feature (Completed), Each rain drop has about 25 behaviors, and they all almost instantly activate when the rain drop hits something. The weather I'm adding is rainy, if the rain weather activates, every second, it will spawn 3 or more raindrops for about 8 seconds, thus making it 24 rain drops falling from the sky per second, And it does not lag at ALL. (Only when the rain turns on, it lags a tiny bit)

August 21, 2016

OF COURSE! For example, In Minecraft - Pocket Edition, The worlds are INFINITE (unless if world types are old), but you'll think it crashes the game. It won't because not all blocks are activated, and are grouped into chunks (16 by 16).

August 21, 2016

Thanks for your suggestion! You really inspired me to create new games instead of the same old one. I've been working on this game for about 10 minutes now. (If you were wondering how I did it that fast, It's actually how quick I do it. I'm just smart enough to make the dialogue quick and not adding alot of behaviors.) :) Well... I've only worked on it for ten minutes... Art took the longest... What do you expect from this game? It won't be THAT good... Yet...

August 21, 2016

I'm gonna publish the game now.

August 21, 2016

You relize you can toggle on and off behaviors...... XD